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Bob LoCicero

Burlington to Laconia: Bike Week Ride

Estimated Mileage: 183 miles Estimated Time: 3 Hours, 24 mins


Are you thinking about hitting Bike Week this year? Here is a quick dash route that skips the highway, but is still suitable for a down and back the same day -- if you like to ride, that is ...

From Burlington, head east on US 2 to Montpelier. Route 2 on this stretch is a straight and fast type. At times you'll be running  next to I-89 and you can make good secondary road time.

There is a State Police barracks in Middlesex, just past Waterbury. While I'm sure you never acceed the post limit, you will want to be especially careful here.

In Montpelier, you'll pick up US 302. Watch the signs carefully: Montpelier can be somewhat congested -- at least by Vermont standards -- and it is easy to get in the wrong lane and miss the turn for 302.

US302 can be a great or miserable road, depending on who you ride behind. When the road is clear, it has good pavement and just enough twists and turns to keep things interesting. When you end up behind a vacationer looking for a restroom, things grind to a halt. Avoid the wallow times, like Saturday afternoon, if you can -- unless, of course you like to ride that way too!

Route 25 is a delight, though in spots the pavement can be bit "bumpy". Make sure you have plenty of gas before heading out to VT-25 as there are few places to stop.  There is a store in East Corinth, but no much else. The same goes for Route 25a in NH.

By the time you hit Route 3/25 in NH you'll know you're close: bikes will be everywhere. You've made it to Bike Week!


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