Estimated Mileage: 90.8 miles Estimated Time: 2 hours, 17 mins
This route is a direct shot from Burlington VT to Lake George and puts Americade just over two hours from Burlington. Riders coming from other parts of Vermont can intersect this route and follow it to the Americade party.
The route follows VT 7 to Vergenes. In Vergenesride through town and intersect Vermont 22A. Vermont 22A is a mostly straight, flat boring road, but it gets the job done. Follow VT-22A to VT-17 and head west for Chimney Point NY by crossing the Champlain Bridge.
Riding across the Champlain Bridge at Chimney Point is fun, as the bridge rises high above the water and provides some great views. The bridge is a national historic site and has been used in two movies. click here for bridge picture.
There is a rest area immediately after crossing the bridge in Crown Point New York. This area rest area provides restrooms and shelter in case of rain (speaking from experience!).
Take New York routes 9N/22 south. NY 9N/22 is a fast, sweeper type of NY road with 45 - 55 Mph speed limits. Don't forget: unlike Vermont, NY does not allow passing on the double-yellow line.
Follow 9N all the way into Lake George. There are some nice twisty sections of 9N as it winds along the lake. There are few services, so take advantage of the visitor's center in Hague NY to visit the bathroom, get information and to drink some water.
If you're new to Americade, ride through town all the way before looking for parking. This will give you a chance to see the bikes and grin like a kid! There is a field near the Lakeside Expo with free parking. Park there and catch the shuttle bus between Americades three venues.
An Alternate route is to ride Route 7 south to Middlebury. Take Route 30 in Middlebury south to Route 4. Follow Route 4 west to Whitehall NY. In Whitehall pickup Route 4/149 and ride west to 9N. Take a left onto 9N and ride north to Lake George. This route is not as pretty as the route described above, but is very direct and avoids the Champlain Bridge and ferry.