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  • Bob LoCicero

Jay Peak Ride

Estimated Mileage: 59.2 miles Estimated Time: 1 hour, 52 mins


Dual-sport riders enjoying lunch in Montgomery
Dual-sport riders enjoying lunch in Montgomery

If you're looking for a northern ride with beautiful scenery, views and points of interest, take this cruise. Both route VT-242 and VT-118 have flowing sections. The town of Jay and the Jay Peak Ski Resort provide mid-ride points of interest.

The ride begins in Morrisville, on VT-100, which has food, fuel and other amenities.

Head north out of Morrisville and turn left onto VT-118, where you will find some of the best riding on the route. In the summer of 2009 there was new pavement and you'll find some nice tighter turns -- though nothing overly technical.

Follow 118 to Montgomery Center. Here you'll find fuel and food.

The climb up VT-242 toward Jay Peak has interesting twists, but the pavement is more variable. After you pass Jay Peak, the pavement quality improves and there are some fun twisty bits on the downhill into Troy.

The town of Jay Vermont is small and has minimal food and services.

VT-100 South from Jay is straight and has many fine views.

Enjoy the ride!



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