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Natural Turnpike, Forest Service Roads Open; Smugglers Notch, others still closed.

Bob LoCicero

The Natural Turnpike, forest road 54 opened this past weekend
The Natural Turnpike, forest road 54 opened this past weekend

The Natural Turnpike and Steam Mill Road opened this past weekend, along with other roads in the Green Mountain National Forest. The Forest Service maintains 21 roads in the Green Mountain National Forest. Most are opened on May 1st, but local conditions can effect openings.

To learn if a specific road is open, contact the ranger station responsible for road maintenance or check the seasonal roads closures page on the Green Mountain National Forest website.

The following roads are maintained by the northern ranger station: FR 61 (Smith Brook), FR 62 (Thresher Hill), FR 24, 24A, 24B (Moosalamoo Campground and Voter Brook), FR 224 (Romance Header), FR 54 (Natural Turnpike), FR 59 (Steam Mill), FR 412 (Lefferts Pond Access), FR 68 (Cobb Hill), FR 202 (French Settlement), FR 95 (Dragon Brook), FR 45 (Chittenden Brook Rd), FR 25 (Austin Brook), Warren Falls Parking Lot.

The following roads are maintained by the southern ranger station: White Rocks Picnic Area), FR6 (Kelley Stand), FR10 (Tabor-Landgrove), FR71 (Somerset Res.), FR273 (Prospect Mtn), FR72 (Red Mill), FR74 (Aiken), FR73 (Camp Casino).

Users should contact the Middlebury Ranger Station at 802-767-4261 for northern roads and the Manchester ranger station at 802-362-2307 for up to date information.

Smugglers Notch (VT-108) and the Lincoln Gap road between Lincoln and Warren remain closed.

The Lincoln Gap road was still closed on May 2nd, 2020
The Lincoln Gap road was still closed on May 2nd, 2020

All of Vermont’s welcome centers and rest areas are currently closed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The parking areas at these rest areas are open.


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